Basementeers get the lowest price on Squaw | Alpine lift tickets anywhere!

Basementeers can head into any Sports Basement store and ask for a free coupon code to shop for Squaw | Alpine lift tickets online! The code applies to all lift tickets on the Squaw | Alpine site and will give you up to $90 off each ticket* in your shopping cart depending on the type of ticket you select. You'll be getting the lowest prices anywhere including Squaw | Alpine!


Here are the deets:

You must be a Basementeer to receive a coupon code.
Coupon codes are available in-store only.
The coupon codes apply to all tickets on the Squaw | Alpine website throughout the year and are one-time use only.

Direct-to-lift tickets purchased on 10 days in advance of your trip can be mailed to your home. Otherwise, you can pick up your tickets at the mountain ticket window.

*Specific pricing discounts include: Midweek, non-holiday tickets offered at $119 for Adult, $107 for Teen and $83 for Child tickets compared to full retail price of $209 for Adult, $188 for Teen and $146 for Child tickets on peak days. Coupon codes are not applicable to 4-packs. For example: If a family with two adults and two children buys tickets for two days they'll save $90 x 2 + $63 x 2 = $306 total savings. Flash sales will offer deeper discounts over a short period of time, so keep an eye out for limited time promotions throughout the season!

Grab your code at your local Sports Basement

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  • Amy M says...

    Is Friday Feb 19 considered midweek or is it a “holiday”?

    On February 05, 2021
  • atsushi onizuka says...

    I need the a free coupon code to shop for Squaw | Alpine lift tickets online!

    On March 05, 2020

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