Getting Creative with Your (Backyard) Camping Grill

You've grilled chicken. You've grilled hot dogs. Maybe you've even grilled eggplant or cauliflower. We hope, for your sake, that you've at least grilled s'mores. Now we're taking things to the next level with some truly weird (and delicious) grillable eatables.  Simply get the BBQ rolling and put these veggies right on ‘em:

Grilled Romaine

  • Prep the romaine, removing all of the wilted or damaged outer pieces
  • Chop of 1-2 inches off the lettuce head
  • Shave off the bottom of the root (but leaving it intact, so the lettuce stays together)
  • Drizzle the romaine hearts with olive oil, vinaigrette and herbs (of your choice: dried or fresh)
  • Prep the grill: romaine to placed directly on the grill (high heat)
  • Grill until slightly charred on both sides (turning every minute to ensure heating throughout)
  • Chop them up, sprinkle with parmesan or simply sprinkle with salt and pepper and enjoy.

Grilled Avocados:

  • Prep and preheat the grill to medium heat
  • Cut the avocados in half (removing the pit): Ensure the avocados are not too ripe
  • Drizzle with olive oil and salt and pepper
  • Grill for 4-5 minutes, or until you see solid grill marks
  • Remove from the grill and top with any of the following: 
    • Salad dressing
    • Salsa
    • Black Beans & Cheese
    • Any of your favorite ingredients

Grilled Tomatoes:

  • Prep and preheat the grill to high heat (prep a fine grill grate)
  • Cut 2-3 firm tomatoes down the middle (not too ripe, again or they will fall apart)
  • Remove all seeds and water pulp from the tomatoes
  • Drizzle with olive oil and salt and pepper
  • Brush the grill grate with olive oil as well
  • Place tomatoes cut side down on the grill
  • Cover the grill and cook for 3-5 min (checking after 2-3)
  • Tomatoes should look like they are blistering
  • Remove with a spatula and top with any of the following
    • Basil
    • Goat Cheese
    • Salad dressing
    • Any of your favorite ingredients

Happy Grilling.

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