Despite shelter-in-place orders, BAWSI remained committed to maintaining the strong connection to participants that is the hallmark of its programming. Daily BAWSI Girls videos and weekly BAWSI Rollers videos were created and distributed through the new BAWSI YouTube channel.
An additional 850 phone calls to the homes of BAWSI participants let parents and children know that BAWSI was there for any extra encouragement or listening needed from our families. 750 handwritten letters were delivered to our BAWSI Girls through the U.S .Postal Service, encouraging the girls to stay active, engaged at school and focused on their strong character. BAWSI even included stamped, self-addressed envelopes to encourage a Pen Pal activity.
As students head back to online learning this fall, BAWSI will be there once again with a new menu of options to keep the BAWSI children physically active, engaged with their peers and family members, and emotionally whole.