Not only does this product repel insects, but will actually kill ticks, mosquitoes, chiggers, mites and more than 55 other kinds of insects. Sawyer Permethrin repellent is for use on your clothing, tents and other gear. Permethrin is odorless when dry. During the drying process it tightly bonds with the fibers of the treated garment. It will not stain or damage clothing, fabrics, plastics, finished surfaces, or any of your outdoor gear. Applications can last up to 6 weeks and through 6 washings.
- Non-aerosol pump bottle contains 12 ounces of repellent, or enough to coat two full outfits; a full outfit consists of shirt, trousers and socks
- One treatment will last up to six washings or six weeks before clothing has to be treated again
- Effective against ticks that carry Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
- Repellent should be applied outdoors and before clothing is worn; hang clothing, spray and let dry two hours (four hours in humid conditions)
- Active Ingredient: Permethrin (0.5%)