Safely make icy, mountainous terrain your playground with a proven performer that keeps finding new ways to push the limits of outdoor gear design. Trusted by arctic explorers and everyday outdoor adventurers for nearly two decades, Kahtoola MICROspikes® traction is ready to help take your outdoor adventures to the next level. This ultra-packable traction features twelve strategically placed hardened stainless steel spikes that bite into the most stubborn ice and snow.
- Twelve strategically spaced, 3/8" hard wearing stainless steel spikes
- Provide a stable walking platform and bite into even the most stubborn ice and snow
- Ergonomically Shaped Thermoplastic Elastomer (TPE) Harness features patented reinforced eyelets for increased durability
- Attaches securely to a variety of footwear and retains its elasticity down to -22°F (-30°C)
- Integrated Toe Bail keeps the toe from pushing through the front of the harness for added security while descending
- Raised Heel Tab provides a secure grip point on the harness for easy on and off in frozen winter conditions
- Welded stainless steel chains for traction and packability
- Includes tote sack
- 2-year limited warranty
- Weight (pair): (S) 11 oz, (M) 11.9 oz, (L) 13.1 oz, (XL) 13.5 oz
- Packed Size: 5 in x 3 in x 2 in, 30 in³ / 13 cm x 8 cm x 5 cm, 520 cm³