We're very excited to introduce the GURU Fit System! This state-of-the-art, computer-controlled GURU Dynamic Fit Unit adjusts your riding position, simulates incline/decline, tracks your power output and adjusts resistance to replicate changes in terrain, all in real time while you're pedaling.
Of course, a piece of equipment is nothing without the trained fitter to use it. That's why all our fitters are F.I.S.T. certified, providing you with the most professional, rider-focused fit experience and ensuring maximum satisfaction with your results.
The GURU Fit System is now available at our Berkeley, Redwood City, Presidio, Stonestown, Walnut Creek and Orange County locations. Standard bike fitting services are now available at all other store locations.
This is the best fit for cyclists that ride regularly. Whether you're a weekend warrior or a pro, you can benefit from a better, more customized fit. Learn more about the GURU Fit System at Sports Basement in our video!
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GURU's Virtual Ride combines the real-time action of the integrated Computrainer unit to track your power output and adjusts resistance to replicate changes in terrain.
GURU BIKE FINDER™ utilizes Rider Scan™ technology to identify the best bike configuration to match your riding preferences.
GURU OPTIMIZATION™ expands the capabilities of Bike Finder with the addition of comprehensive performance analysis - including in-depth power output, real-time body angle tracking and GURU Virtual Ride.
GURU'S VIRTUAL WAREHOUSE™ replaces a conventional test ride by allowing you to select individual models to ride on the GURU Fit System™ - featuring thousands of bikes across all categories (road, cyclocross, mountain, tri, recreation) from major manufacturers.
GURU'S TAILORED FIT REPORT provides you with a comprehensive overview of your fit data, which can be used to set up a new bike or optimize an existing bike.